''I think my favourite poem of the whole collection is the stunning ''Sehnsucht'' (German for ‘yearning’ or ‘longing’) in which there is an impressive synthesis of form and meaning. Browzan captures the contradictory complexities of Berlin in a breathless list of vivid images. This is Browzan at his best, the artist-poet with an ability to convey so much through scintillating, sensory metaphors. This ability is also in evidence in a number of deeply resonant short poems that stay in the memory long after you have read them.''
REVIEW: https://nigelkentpoet.wordpress.com/2021/11/06/review-of-quest-for-ions-by-browzan/
Puschart-Prize nominated author & Sabotage Award for Reviewer of Literature. Member of The Poetry Society of the Open University (Nigel Kent)